j2ee and python and evil competitors...

curt finch curt at journyx.com
Tue Jul 9 10:30:14 EDT 2002

> curt finch wrote:
>> Our free web timesheet app is written totally in Python.
>> One of our competitors is saying the following
>> things about python to our customers.  Help me make them 
>> look stupid.  Please?

>Which competitor?  Please post a link to the information 
>they've provided to your customers.  If it's not online, 
>please provide at least a link to their home page so we 
>can check them out for ourselves.

>Many of the things in that list smell a lot like they're
>made up just for a troll.  Is any of this actually true?


in my original post, i posted the doc 
they wrote. They sent it to a 200k opportunity 
after we won it.  the competitor is clockware.

i doubt if they have that particular doc available from their site
but instead that they give it to select prospects in deals where
we show up (i.e. all of them.)

as to being a troll, well, if trolls drive traffic and
want you to use their software for free then
i'm guilty as charged.  i do always with all my communications
try to drive traffic to http://journyx.com , so i can see
why you might get the (wrong) impression that i'm just a ruthless spammer.

ultimately developer acceptance of our soap/xml api is what will
enable us to succeed, so we of course want all the mind share from
the python/linux/soap/xml developer communities we can get

thanx everyone for your feedback, it has at the very least been

Want free Web Time Management Software??? --> http://journyx.com/wts.html

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