Pmw Inconsistencies -- Any ideas ??

Mike MacDonald prema at
Thu Jul 18 04:06:35 EDT 2002

I'm wanting to use Pmw for a small project.
I notice that sometimes I can't initialise Pmw.

I've posted some sample code below.

Is there something I'm missing around PYTHONPATH?
I reinstalled and it was OK for a while.
OS is Win2K but I've noticed this on other OS's as well

Very grateful for any comments
Thanks in advance

Sample Code =================================

import Pmw
##class Gui:
##    def __init__(self,parent):
##        self.parent=parent
##        NB=Pmw.NoteBook(self.parent)
##        NB.pack(side='left')
##        for count in range(5):
##            NB.add('Test Label'+str(count))
if __name__=='__main__':

    root.title('Test PMW')

##Error message:
##    Traceback (most recent call last):
##  File "C:\Documents and Settings\t914149\Desktop\", line 1, in ?
##    import Pmw
##  File "C:\Documents and Settings\t914149\Desktop\", line 11, in ?
##    root=Pmw.initialise()

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