How to organize test cases with PyUnit

Roy Smith roy at
Sun Jul 7 21:53:43 EDT 2002

OK, now I'm stumped.  I've got the following in

import sys
import unittest
from types import *

sys.path.insert (1, '..')
import rulexParser

class parserTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp (self):
        self.parser = rulexParser.rulexParser()

class dictionaryEntries (parserTestCase):
    def runTest (self):
        tables = self.parser.parse ('data/rulex.envmon')
        self.assertEqual (type (tables), DictType)
        self.assertEqual (1, 0)
        for table in tables:
            print type(table)
            self.assertEqual (type (table), DictType)

if __name__ == "__main__":

parser.parse() is supposed to (and does) return a dictionary of 
dictionaries.  The line "for table in tables:" should read "for table in 
tables.keys():".  As written, it should raise a TypeError.  In the 
process of trying to figure out why it wasn't, I added the "print 
type(table)" line, and it doesn't print anything.  Then I added the 
"assertEqual (1, 0)", and it still does nothing.

Obviously, I'm doing something wrong.  I suspect something has wrapped 
my methon in a try block that catches all these exceptions, but then 
doesn't do anything with them.

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