Leo.py: Some Thoughts

Edward K. Ream edream at tds.net
Tue Jul 30 10:57:37 EDT 2002

> you can embed other widgets, as well as images, in a Text
> widget.


Jeez, how did I miss this????  Thanks so much, Fredrik, for pointing this
out.  Clearly, I can use the Tkinter PhotoImage or BitmapImage classes to
insert images into text!!

> what other capabilities do you need?

Nothing from Tk.  A way of representing the annotation itself and what it
contains in plain text.  That can probably be done by adding some tags
somewhere to Leo's XML file format.  Some minor magic is also needed to
represent images when they aren't on the screen. I also need a command so
the user can insert images in the first place...Trivial stuff.

If you could see me you would be amused.  I'm so excited I can hardly sit
still in my chair :-)

Fredrik, while you are being so helpful, is there some way to use an
embedded window to render HTML or postscript?  Anything else that might

Again, many thanks for lifting the blinders from my eyes!

Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at tds.net
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://personalpages.tds.net/~edream/front.html

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