Guide to the python interp. source?

Tim Gahnström /Bladerman tim at
Fri Jul 26 08:36:53 EDT 2002

<<Essence of question>>
Is there a guide or a recomended way to "get to know" the source code to the
python interpreter?

<<Some helping background>>
I am creating a new language and an IDE intended for beginners. This is my
CS master thesis. I plan to use Python as primary language and the Python
interpreter as my interpreter. I will probably need to make quite a few
changes to the the interpreter to make the language behave the way I want,
and I will need to monitor the state of the interperter for debugging

<<Some really uininteresting background>>
Python is, I think, a verry intuitive language for beginners, with some
modifications it can be even better. Especially with a good IDE. That is
what I have set out to create. I have designed the language I want to creat
and I have made the first draft of the IDE using Tkinter but I have a big
problem with the python source. It is quite extensive and I am not one of
those people that can have a look at a million lines of code and se the
The best would be, ofcourse, some UML documentation but I would also be
happy if I found a small description och what code is where, how to
compilem, design thoughts or anything like that. A lot of projects have "a
small guide for wannabe developers" but I havn't found anything like that
for this project. Not on the website and not in any FAQ.
Things I want to change is for example, everything should be "call by
refferense", it shall not by case sensitive, redirect output, better
errormesages, etc, etc.

<<Thoughs that is of no interest to anyone that might answer my real
I have given it some thought and think that I can make alot of my changes by
preprocessing the code and turn it into correct python code before I send it
to the interpreter but that is not viable for everything so I will need to
look into the sources anyway. For instance the graphics libary I plan to
create I can do all in Python (speed is not an issue).
Any thoughts on the subject is ofcourse more then welcome and I am sure I
will come back with other questions but the first thing I need is a guide to
the Python interpreter sources.


Tim Gahnström

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