Anybody using 4suite for xslt processing?

John Hunter jdhunter at
Mon Jul 22 19:06:11 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Marko" == Marko Faldix <mf at> writes:

    Marko> In diretory Python22\Lib\site-packages\Ft\Lib there is a
    Marko> file that says: version = "0.12.0a2"

Mine is 0.11.0

    Marko> What do you have in your directories, which path contains a
    Marko> class with appendstylesheeturi?

I have the Ft dir, but I also have the _xmlplus dir.  When I use a
recursive grep on *.py files in my site-packages tree for
appendStylesheetUri, I get three matches:


It appears that the xslt/ is the one you want.  Why you
don't have it, I don't know.

John Hunter

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