switch recipe?

Mark McEahern mark at mceahern.com
Fri Jul 12 15:15:02 EDT 2002

In response to a question earlier today, I wrote a function I called

  from __future__ import generators

  def make_color_switch(color1, color2):
      def color_switch():
          i = 0
          while True:
              if i % 2:
                  yield color2
                  yield color1
              i += 1
      return color_switch

It seemed like this could be more generic:

  from __future__ import generators

  def make_switch(*args):
      """Return a generator that loops through args."""
      if not args:
          raise RuntimeError("Missing parameter: args.")
      def switch():
          i = n = 0
          while True:
              i = n % len(args)
              yield args[i]
              n += 1
      return switch

Is switch a bad name for this?  Can anyone suggest a better name?  Other
improvements?  What I like about this code is it demonstrates several
"advanced" features of Python, all the while retaining (imho) the simplicity
and clarity Python is known for:

  nested scopes
  variable length argument arrays
  functions as objects

Here's sample code that shows it used in the context of the original

  #! /usr/bin/env python

  from __future__ import generators

  def make_switch(*args):
      """Return a generator that loops through args."""
      if not args:
          raise RuntimeError("Missing parameter: args.")
      def switch():
          i = n = 0
          while True:
              i = n % len(args)
              yield args[i]
              n += 1
      return switch

  def colorize(s, *colors):
      switch = make_switch(*colors)()
      template = "<%(color)s><b>%(c)s</b></color>"
      l = []
      for c in s:
          color = switch.next()
          l.append(template % locals())
      print ''.join(l)

  colorize("testing", "black", "red", "green", "blue")

Is make_switch useful enough to post as a recipe?  I didn't search to see
whether someone has already made something like this.  It seems at once both
trivial and reuseful.


// mark


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