File size error in os.stat with large files.

John Hunter jdhunter at
Tue Jul 9 15:43:43 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Woodward <joe.woodward at> writes:

    Joe> I have a 4.2GB file that os.stat is reporting to be
    Joe> 164MB. Smaller files seem to work just fine, but I have not
    Joe> played with it to find out where the cut-off point is.

You have to compile python with large file support to handle files
over 2GB.  To test whether you have this enabled:

>>> fd = open('somefile.dat', 'rw')
>>> fd.tell()

If it returns '0', LFS is not enabled.  if it returns '0L', LFS is enabled.

If not, you'll need to rebuild python for LFS (or try and find a
precompiled binary).  I've done the build for linux and not widows, so
you'll need to adapt them to your environment/compiler.  On linux, to
compile python with LFS, unpack the source distribution and run
./configure.  Then edit the Makefile and set the OPTs to be:

OPT= -ggdb -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64

and 'make install'.  Try the 'tell' test again and you should get '0L'.

Good luck,
John Hunter

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