subclassing int and accessing the value

Mark McEahern marklists at
Mon Jul 8 16:10:21 EDT 2002

> Now my question is, how do I access the actual value 5 internally so I
> can write my own __repr__ method that returns '$0.05'. I'm guessing it's
> using __getattribute__, but what attribute do I want to access?

Short answer:  Look no farther than self.  ;-)


class money(int):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(int, self).__init__(*args)

    def __str__(self):
        return "$%1.2f" % (float(self) / 100)

x = money(5)

print x

If you're looking for a way to represent money, you may want to use a fixed
decimal class.  I'm using Tim Peter's FixedPoint class.


// mark


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