Automating MSDEV studio build process

Jussi Jumppanen jussij at
Thu Jul 11 18:32:25 EDT 2002

Bjorn Pettersen wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience automating a nightly build process using
> Python in combination with MSDevStudio? I remember some discussion here
> about it a while ago, but I couldn't find any reference to it through
> Google...

It is possible for MSVC 6.x and onwards to build the project using
the command line. Here is a link to the details (notice that the URL
has been wrapped):

Jussi Jumppanen
Author of: Zeus for Windows, Win32 (Brief, Emacs, etc) FTP Text Editor
"The C/C++, Java, HTML, FTP, Python, PHP, Perl programmer's editor"
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