SNMP module in python

Roy Smith roy at
Mon Jul 15 08:12:55 EDT 2002

pixie888 at wrote:
> I am looking for a module written in Python to perform SNMP
> communication. Can anyone tell me where I can find one?

I've been using PySNMP,, which is 
written entirely in Python.  Because it's 100% Python (all the way down 
to the messy BER stuff), it's very portable.  On the other hand, I 
suspect performance is poor.  I havn't pushed the corners of the 
envelope much, but so far it seems to work for basic stuff.

The other alternative is yapsnmp,, which 
is a SWIG wrapper around the net-snmp (nee ucd-snmp) package.  In 
theory, I like yapsnmp's approach better, but as a practical matter, 
getting it to compile and run has been problematical; I don't have 
exactly the same version of net-snmp installed as the author and ran 
into compile problems with mis-matched headers.

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