What does Python fix?

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Sat Jan 19 06:20:32 EST 2002

[Paul Rubin]
> Some of us persist in thinking of Python as a Lisp dialect,
> and like it for that very reason.

[Donn Cave]
> Whoops, now you've carelessly doomed Python to eternal obscurity.

> not necessarily.  true Lisp heads see *everything* as more
> or less broken Lisp dialects.

Yup.  Which makes it refreshing that comparatively few insist Python is a
broken Smalltalk dialect <wink>.

> (the paul graham article mentioned at the top of this thread
> originally claimed that the problem Python set out to solve is
> that "Lisp syntax is scary and CL and Scheme have no libraries.")

The problem Python set out to solve is that ABC was useless for real-life
programming.  If Guido knows anything substantial about Lisp or Scheme, he's
done an excellent job of hiding it for more than a decade.  I've seen him
struggle with simple elisp, for God's sake <wink>.

time-to-replay-the-effbot's-lambda-refactoring-rule-ly y'rs  - tim

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