Classes and Python

Lawrence Oluyede rhymes at
Thu Jan 24 11:39:11 EST 2002

On 24 Jan 2002 08:34:28 -0800, aahz at (Aahz Maruch) wrote:

>The real meaning is that if you're using the current Python 2.2, it's
>wrong.  ;-)

So, the tut is obsolete?

>But it's probably still worthwhile to explain it:
>Let's suppose you create a list with
>>>> L=[]
>>>> L
>now you can add a new element to L with
>>>> L.append('foo')
>>>> L
>this means that L has object-like behavior, in that there are methods
>that can be used.  But you cannot subclass from the list type in
>versions of Python prior to 2.2 -- this is called the type/class split.
>Python 2.2 takes the first steps to heal the type/class split, and you
>*can* now inherit from the list type.

Can u make a useful example with List subclassing?

Lawrence "Rhymes" Oluyede (rhymes at
"Per cambiare, per diventare un'altra
cosa dobbiamo prima sapere cosa siamo"
(Bruce Lee)

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