Which LIBC version under windows!!!!

Erno Kuusela erno-news at erno.iki.fi
Sun Jan 27 13:16:20 EST 2002

In article <u3d0tra5u.fsf at ctwd0143.fitlinxx.com>, David Bolen
<db3l at fitlinxx.com> writes:

| Certainly when I was working on commercial Unixen, there were
| generally at least two libc's around - the system version and a glibc
| if a local GCC was installed.

hmm, i thought gnu libc only worked on hurd and linux so far?
at any rate, gcc doesn't depend on gnu libc, you normally use the
vendor c library if you use gcc on a proprietary unix.

| Then there was of course the whole changeover problem when Linux
| went to libc 5 to glibc.  Didn't that cause all sorts of issues and
| need both libc's around for some period?

yes, you couldn't link libc 5 (aka hacked gnu libc 1.x) objects and
libc 6 (aka mainline gnu libc 2.x) in the same executable.  in fact
most distributions still come with libc 5.  i even seem to have some
libc 5 executables in my ~/bin...

before that, there was the a.out to elf conversion (a.out was libc 4)
with same effects.

  -- erno

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