Mono and Python

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at
Thu Jan 3 16:33:55 EST 2002


> Finally, many  *nix users of Python my not realize that Python is about to
> become less functional on Windows without the .NET tagged on.  (No ASP.NET
> or .NET Web services.)
> Whatever your religious platform, I'd hope you'd agree that losing
> functionality in Windows doesn't bode well for ANY language.

That sounds pretty "intimidatory".  Anyway I repeat,
you probably don't need any kind of hero, just a bunch
of more or less motivated people.

Jython is 35 KLOC of core plus 10 KLOC
for the built-in modules and I'm counting blank
lines too ;).

Writing it was a *big* *thing* from the part
of Jim Hugunin (btw all my acknowledgements),
 but now every one can read the code,
it's prior art.

I think that probably much of the ideas and code in Jython
have a straightforward translation to C#/CLR/.NET...

You can also try other approaches and someone
brilliant will do that ... but this is a doable path.


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