Installing two different versions of Python on Windows

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at
Sun Jan 27 23:43:28 EST 2002

Le 27/01/02 à 20:02, Sheila King écrivit:
> I currently have Python 2.1 installed on my home computer.
> My web host finally upgraded to 2.2 (yeah!).
> So, I want to upgrade my home computer to 2.2.
> HOWEVER, I would like to leave my version 2.1 in place, for testing
> purposes.
> If I simply take care to install the new Python 2.2 version in a separate
> directory, this should work OK, shouldn't it?

Yes, no problem.

> I know that the system will default associate all the .py, .pyc, and
> .pyw files with the 2.2 executable

Yes, you can easily change that with regedit, however.

> and I would have to specifically invoke the 2.1 executable with a full
> path name if I wanted to run it, but that's fine, too. I expect I'll
> mostly use the newer 2.2.

Or just put all your Python installations in the PATH and rename the
python.exe's to python21.exe, python22.exe, etc. Saves some typing :)

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