Using an existing tcl/tk installation on windows...

viking_kiwi at viking_kiwi at
Tue Jan 29 03:04:17 EST 2002

I've just installed python on windows, including the tkinter stuff,
and find that theres a complete installation of tcl/tk with
it. However I already have this installed elsewhere (I've been using
tcl for some time and have only just started looking at python as an
alternative) and would like to use my present tcl installation (as well
as call up existing scripts if possible). A few questions...

What is involved in pointing tkinter to the existing installation?

Are there going to be any version compatibility issues (ie if I
upgrade my Tcl/Tk installation to 8.3.4 or 8.4, its 8.3.2 at the
moment, same as came with python)

The various bits and pieces for tkinter are scattered around
the python install - in the DLLs, Lib, libs and tcl
subdirectories. I've been looking at these in view of 16.1.5 (How Tk and
Tkinter are Related) in the documentation-

Tkinter (Python Module) - presumably in the libs/lib-tk directory
tkinter (C) - presumably _tkinter.lib in the Lib directory
Tk Widgets (C and Tcl) - tcl.lib and tk.lib ??? or where do these fit in? 
Tk (C) - presumably the tcl.dll and tk.dll in the Dlls directory
Xlib (C) - for windows presumably msvcrt.dll

Finally, any pointers on calling up existing tcl/tk code (I have a
fair bit of it) would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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