Python equivalent of __LINE__ macro?

Jason Orendorff jason at
Tue Jan 8 13:32:56 EST 2002

David Brady wrote:
> As for Python, I was basically doing some stuff where
> I just wanted to print something like "Hey, this bit
> of script is buggy!" but I didn't want to hardcode the
> line number, because I kept added code above it,
> pushing it down the file.

Oh!  The code I gave you before is for catching fatal
errors.  It lets you put a try/except block in just one
place - around the main() of your script.  Then it will
report any fatal errors in your code.  You do not catch
each individual error at its source; the line number that
it spits out indicates where the error *occurred*, not
where the error gets *reported*.

I thought that was what you were asking for; but it
seems you are looking for the warnings module.

You can adapt it to Visual Studio like this:

  import warnings
  from warnings import warn

  def my_formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno):
      return "%s(%i) : warning: %s" % (filename, lineno, message)

  # Replace default warning formatter with custom formatter
  warnings.formatwarning = my_formatwarning

Then use warn("parrot is dead") to send messages to stderr.
(Any python libraries that use warnings.warn() will also
generate VS-style messages, in this case.)

One last note: warn() ignores duplicate warnings by default.
If 2000 identical warnings are generated, you only get 
one message.  This is usually a good thing.  To report
all warnings, do warnings.filterwarnings("always").

One really really last note:  if you just want something
like __LINE__, here it is:

  import inspect
  def line():
      return inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][2]

## Jason Orendorff

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