Physical RAM on win32

Michael Kelly mkelly2002NOSPAM at
Fri Jan 11 13:59:37 EST 2002

On 11 Jan 2002 05:36:32 -0800, David.Sparrman at
(David Sparrman) wrote:

>There is a function GlobalMemoryStatus (and GlobalMemoryStatusEx) that
>is available from C++, but Mark Hammonds win32all does not seem to
>expose them?

If you have other tools capable of creating a dual-interface
automation server it would be pretty quick and dirty to
create an IDispatch interface to call the function.  Only
real drawback is you'd have to haul the dll around and
register it etc..

Seems like you could knock it off in Delphi or VC++
in about 5 minutes though(and maybe throw in a few
more system info access functions while you're there)



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