Genuine computer Scrience >Re: Autocoding project proposal.

phil hunt philh at
Mon Jan 28 18:08:04 EST 2002

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:56:40 +0100, Stefaan A Eeckels <Stefaan.Eeckels at> wrote:
>> If you want to prove me wrong, then prove me wrong about that, by
>> genuinely helping on what is a project of logical computer science.
>It's only partially a computer science project, as it deals with 
>the interface between the human and the computer. Computer science
>can not help you with human side of the interaction, which is far
>more complex and far less understood than the computer side.

Doesn't computer science deal with HCI and making computers easier to
use, then?

>> Or at least not trying to hinder the project.
>How can people hinder the project by posting to g.m.d? Just bow
>out, stop posting and get on with coding VIC.

Indeed. Tim should either put up (some code), or shut up.

===== Philip Hunt ===== philh at =====
* strong public-key email encryption  * automatically decrypt incoming mail
* automatically encrypt outgoing mail, including attachments and headers
* automatically propagate your public key and manage others' public keys
What encryption package does all this? Herbrip, part of the Herbivore
project. <>

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