swig interface file generator...

Giorgi Lekishvili gleki at gol.ge
Mon Jan 21 17:40:28 EST 2002


Is a SWIG interface (mymodule.i) file generator available?

IMHO, it must enable one to
-Read the .h filenames in a specified directory and put them into .i
file, as
-Read the C header files, get the functions defined there and put the
function names accompanied with the keyword 'extern' into the .i file.
-In case the functions are given in the source files (.c), it must
handle them.
-It must treat the user-defined types.

Thus obtaind interface file would be a good starting point to play with
the SWIG and easier wrap the C libs to Python.

I would be much obliged, if someone sends me his generator. Anyway, I'll
try to make this and put it publicly available... If there's a need.


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