Ruby Impressions

brueckd at brueckd at
Sat Jan 12 15:42:37 EST 2002

On 12 Jan 2002, Adam Spitz wrote:

> But I have to ask you this: would anybody out there actually *use* any
> of the mechanisms that you've just created for me?

Of course not! ;-) Most Python users aren't on this list. Of the users on
this list, most didn't participate in this thread. Of those that did, I
suspect many did so for the fun of it, or to show that you have some real
options. The fact is that a ton of people are quite content using the
"normal" way or use one of the more obvious approaches (I sometimes use
the __dict__.update one). The thing you should learn from all this is:
*most* Python users are less concerned with minimizing keystrokes than
they are with minimizing the number of brain cycles it takes to understand
a previously-written piece of code. Munch on that for awhile and you'll
begin to understand why so many people here have a tough time getting
excited about Perl or languages that are proud of their Perl heritage.

Have fun,

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