Chewing one's arm off to avoid VBScript (was RE: Serious privacy leak in Python for Windows)

Max m maxm at
Thu Jan 17 10:19:38 EST 2002

Mark McEahern wrote:

> I've never quite thought of it that way, but I'm not shocked by the strength
> of your loathing for VBScript:

yes it's so uneven and poorly designed. Python feels like Lego, where 
everything fits where it's supposed. Ie. I cannot recall EVER having had 
an off-by-one error in my Python code.

But the main problem with VBScript is that most people using it never 
realise how poor it is, as they us it because it is a "Microsoft 
Standard" and so is good enough.

It takes them a long time to get to know other languages. And if they in 
fact ever do, it is either Java or C++.

> I wrote this on my weblog
> (

It doesn't seem to exist ..

 >   compare that to vbscript:

>     ' let's create a dictionary

In fact most VBScript programmers I have ever meet has no idea what a 
dictionary is! They simply never use it because it seems complicated, 
and isn't part of the core language.

I have looked at quite a few VBScript apps that customers have wanted to 
upgrade or reuse code from. They have ALL been a mess.

My guess is that one of the advantages of the Python users is that they 
have all made a conscious decision to use Python. Most often the 
decision is made on a wide background of several languages.

regards Max M

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