Python COM object: attribute value typing

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Wed Jan 23 19:38:54 EST 2002

Steve Holden wrote:
> Quite an odd one, this. I'm creating a COM object in Python and accessing it
> from VBscript. I set a value true/false with the following statement in the
> COM object:
>     self.AVS_aok = (r in "23")
> AVS_aok is to be found in both _public_attrs_ and _readonly_attrs_, if it
> matters. When I access this attribute from VBscript it comes back with
> TypeName "Boolean", and values True/False, where I would have expected a
> simple 1 or 0.
> I would not have though that Python retained anything other than the 0 or 1
> result. How can this be?

Python has internal PyTrue and PyFalse objects.  boolean expressions 
will return one of these objects, rather than the simple 1 and 0 
objects.  Even though they are both integers, PythonCOM can still make 
the distinction.

 >>> true=(1==1)
 >>> true==1
 >>> true is 1

PythonCOM explicitly creates a VT_BOOL variant when it sees either 
PyTrue or PyFalse.


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