Validating EMailAdresses for syntactical correctness

Alexander Skwar ASkwar at
Sat Jan 26 20:09:59 EST 2002

So sprach »Krasna Halopti« am 2002-01-25 um 02:46:30 -0800 :
> validation. However, I have found some uses, e.g. client-side
> validation in forms to catch user typos. In Javascript, I have used

What's a "typo"?  Suppose I'd be using Lotus Notes, then my adress could
actually look like "Alexander.Skwar/some/where at domain".  This would
resolve to a typo in your case, although that adress is valid.

> if any...since you mention Web forms in your post, it may be that you
> can do this browser-side.

Never do this!  If you rely on something client-side for checks, you're
in hell, because disabling JavaScript iwll break the check, and forging
the reply sent by the browser is very easy.

Alexander Skwar
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