* separated values

Mark McEahern marklists at mceahern.com
Thu Jan 17 09:57:00 EST 2002

Oleg Broytmann:
> > OK. Perhaps you could give me an equally lucid definition of arrogant?
>    A person who insists on removing bloating things?

What is at the heart of your concern about bloat?  Diskspace?  Size of
download package.

I like having commonly used stuff that's been through the wringer in the
standard package.  I would tend to try to be more inclusive, focusing on
broad applicability and some vague notion of quality--rather than
minimalistic and exclusive, as you seem to be.

Here's an example:  ConfigParser.

My guess is that you'd vote for tossing that out of the standard package.
I'd vote to keep it in.


// mark

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