Avoiding a SyntaxError when giving no input

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Jan 16 09:19:44 EST 2002

    Heiko> I got a python script here that takes strings with the input() -
    Heiko> function.  Now, if I dont enter anything, and just press enter,
    Heiko> python exits with a SyntaxError.  How can I force python to just
    Heiko> ask again for a value?  I tried it with exception handling, but
    Heiko> that doesnt seem to work with SyntaxError.

You may not want to call input() directly.  It is, in effect:

    def input(prompt):
        return eval(raw_input(prompt))

Instead, you might want to use raw_input and check responses before calling

    while 1:
        ans = raw_input(prompt)
        if not validate_input(ans):
            print "invalid input:", repr(ans)
            result = eval(ans)

The validate_input function would catch empty strings, dangerous stuff,
etc.  You might want to call eval() with explicit globals and locals args as
well to minimize potential for damaging input.

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)

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