Alter the compression-ratio on JPEG-images using PIL & Resizing/scaling images properly

Thomas Weholt thomas at
Wed Jan 23 10:15:32 EST 2002


I've used PIL to convert images to JPEG and resize these. I'm using
plain-default settings and the result-file is about 100-130kb in size. Using
a different, common image-program to compress the images the finished files
are about 40-50kb without mentionable loss in picture-quality. Is there a
way to alter the compression-ratio using PIL, and how do I go about doing
such a thing ?

And what is the proper way to resize or scale an image? When I use
img.thumbnail() the result is very jaggy around the edges. Any hints? I want
to create thumbnails and a resized version with specific max values for
height/width of the original image.

best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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