PIL Image to PyOpengl glDrawPixels

Joe Connellan joe at al.com.au
Thu Jan 3 20:40:36 EST 2002

    I'm opening an image using

import Image

im = Image.open("/tmp/image.bmp")
imgData = im.getData()

which returns a nested list of integers like this

How do I go about formating this for the following glDrawPixels?

glDrawPixels(self.im.size[0], self.im.size[1], GL_RGB, GL_INT,  imgData)

according to the docs this particular glDrawPixels is suppose to take a
sequence of ints but the following code does not work

width = 100
height = 100
numChannels = 3
imgData = [100, ] * width * height * numChannels
glDrawPixels(100, 100, GL_RGB, GL_INT, imgData)

I'm pretty sure glDrawPixels is working ok as the following code works
fine (using chars).

width = 100
height = 100
numChannels = 3
imgData = chr(100) * width * height * numChannels
glDrawPixels(100, 100, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imgData)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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