XML Pickler?

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at gmx.de
Fri Jan 4 23:35:43 EST 2002

Le 04/01/02 à 20:08, Zoo Keeper écrivit:
> This might sound like a crazy question... but has anyone written a
> "Pickle" module that (sort of) converts a class to XML?  Or at least
> the class data?

Yes, search freshmeat.net for "pickle xml". Also I remember having seen
such a beast on IBM's developerworks (by Mr. Mertz IIRC).

I've seen such libraries for Java as well, but I find them of dubious
value. If the data only makes sense for *one* application, why use XML
at all. OK, it's easier to edit in a text editor than pickle's format,
but is there another good reason to use XML instead of pickle, except
for being buzzword compliant?


PS: I really like do like XML and XSLT, but I don't think it makes sense
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