how-to manage various Python versions

calder calder at
Thu Jan 10 15:11:36 EST 2002

"Stefan Kosak" <stefan.kosak at> wrote:
>Have linux, great distibutions mostly shipping python 1.52
>This version used wide on Linux, and i cannot deinstall all dependencies.

You can always do:
rpm -e --nodeps python-1.52

>Otherwise is current python compatible enough to running taylored 1.52

I have experienced many problems after deinstalling old Python 1.5 from my
RedHat distro - some scripts didn't want to work with Python 2.2. I am not much
of a Python expert, but it seems that there are syntax changes between Pythons
1.x and 2.x. I didn't feel like recoding all the scripts in my system that
didn't work so I just kept both versions co-existing on my HDD.

>I wish/need to upgrade current 2.x
>Problem some Applikation needed python to compile _threaded_, some other
>Why manage several versions without a trouble. HD-space is not an issue.

For compatibility reasons.


 Calder [calder at]
        [gg 2174530]

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