Simple Newbie Question: What am I doing wrong?

Steve Holden sholden at
Thu Jan 24 14:43:46 EST 2002

"MDK" <mdk at> wrote...
> I have a file named containing the following:
> def yo():
>     print "Bla"
> In the interactive window I type:
> >>> import mytest
> >>> mytest.yo
> But I get back
> <function yo at 0x00985378>
> Why don't I get back "Bla"?
Because the expressions you typed in is a reference to the function, not a
call of it. A call would be as follows:


Remember, Python is neither Perl nor VBScript, and because it makes just as
much sense for program to deal with functions as it does for them to deal
with character strings, you have to be able to both refer to and call
functions. It's quite legal to say this:

    ff = mytest.yo

and this, too, should print "Bla".

> Neither does it work if I do:
>    return "Bla"
I presume you mean that you replaced the print statement in the function
with a return?

> Why not?
For the same reason :-)

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