Autocoding project proposal.

Timothy Rue threeseas at
Sun Jan 27 08:16:33 EST 2002

On 26-Jan-02 22:11:18 Neil Hodgson <nhodgson at> wrote:
>Timothy Rue:

>> There have been over 3000 programming language created in a period of
>> around 50 years. That's alot more than human recorded language in all of
>> mans history.

>   There are many more human languages than this:
>   lists the words for number in 4500 languages and is still quite
>incomplete, for example, covering only a minority of New Guinea's more than
>800 languages.

>   Neil

There are currently over six billion people on the planet. Each has their
own language, if you really want to get picky about it.

The creator of the site url you gave doesn't see any difference between
what is a language and what is a dialect. To him, both words equate to
"language" as in different. This causes the count to increase.

there seems to be some variable in determining the dividing line between
what is a language and what is a dialect. For example, linguist disagree
over whether Chinese should be considered a single language or several
different languages.

What is the purpose of language? What is it's fundamental requirement that
makes a language not just a noise and/or scribbles?

Hey this site of yours has klingon and even Mushroomese listed too!

And "Black Speech" (numbers one thru 10 consist entirely of one word)
"ash". I didn't find ebonics (maybe I didn't look in the right place).

roughly 200 languages with over a million native speakers

12 languages with over 100 million speakers

Is it easier to create a human language than a programming language?

A rough estimate of how many new computer programming languages are
created a year is 60.

For comparison: The oldest language preserved in writting is Sumerian was
written in cruneiform script and date from about 3000 BC. But numbers
written go back to 3400 BC to the Egyptian who had a symbol for ten and a
symbol for one.

So in this year of about 2000 AD that's 5400 year to have come up with
4500 different documented ways to count from one to ten, including klingon
and mushroomese.

or roughly 0.83 new ways to count from 1 to 10, a year.

At the rate we create programming languages over a period of 5400 years,
we will have 324000 programming languages, or 319500 more programming
languages then the number of human documented languages in the same amount
of time.

What amounts to about 72.3 programming languages to 1 human language.

It is also worth noting that the number of human languages in use is
quickly shrinking.

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