Ann: Stackless Python is DEAD! Long live Stackless Python

Christian Tismer tismer at
Thu Jan 17 12:09:38 EST 2002




The end of an era has come:
Stackless Python, in the form provided upto Python 2.0, is DEAD.

I am abandoning the whole implementation.

A new era has begun:
A completely new implementation is in development for
Python 2.2 and up which gives you the following features:

- There are no restrictions any longer for uthread/coroutine
   switching. Switching is possible at *any* time, in *any*

- There are no significant changes to the Python core any
   longer. The new patches are of minimum size, and they
   will probably survive unchanged until Python 3.0 .

- Maintenance work for Stackless Python is reduced to the
   bare minimum. There is no longer a need to incorporate
   Stackless into the standard, since there is no work to
   be shared.

- Stackless breaks its major axiom now. It is no longer
   platform independent, since it *does* modify the C stack.
   I will support all Intel platforms by myself. For other
   platforms, I'm asking for volunteers.

* The basic elements of Stackless are now switchable chains
   of frames. We have to define an interface that turns these
   chains into microthreads and coroutines.

Everybody is invited to come to the Stackless mailing
list and discuss the layout of this new design.
Especially we need to decide about (*).

see you there - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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