Unable to run Simple Example

Alex Martelli aleax at aleax.it
Wed Jan 30 11:10:13 EST 2002

"DJ Webre" <d_webre at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.1012402068.30964.python-list at python.org...
>    from wxPython.wx    import *

This lime should be flush left, otherwise you'll get
a SyntaxError

> class MyApp(wxApp):
>     def OnInit(self):
>         frame = wxFrame(NULL, -1, "Hello World")
>         frame.Show(true)
>         self.SetTopWindow(frame)
>         return true
>     app = MyApp(0)
>     app.MainLoop()

The last two lines should be flush left, again.  As you
give them, they're running as part of the class
statement, *before* name MyApp is bound in the global
module dictionary.  Flush left, they're outside of the
class statement and run AFTER it, thus after name MyApp
is bound -- so you get to generate your MyApp instance
and call its MainLoop method, and things should work.


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