How to convert list of tuples into a single list of unique values ? More complete picture

pekka niiranen krissepu at
Fri Jan 11 03:36:33 EST 2002

To give you a more complete picture of my goals:

I am trying to solve the problem of using reqular expression with nested 
In example below I am finding words that are separated by ?- and ! -sings .

import sre
>>> Line = "?AA?BB!CC!?DD!ee?EE!ff?FF?GG!HH!hh?BB!dd?DD!ee"
>>> print sre.findall(pattern, Line)
[('?AA?BB!CC!', '?BB!'), ('?DD!', ''), ('?EE!', ''), ('?FF?GG!HH!', '?GG!'), ('?BB!', ''), ('?DD!', '')]

True, when using the sre above, one must set the amount of nesting 
beforehand and use a single
character separators (in this case ? and !) for words. This is not a 
problem at the moment, though

However, since I can use new finditer -method to loop thru matches,

>>> for m in sre.finditer(pattern, Line):
... 	print repr(

my intuition tells me I should be able to build the final list directly 
without using intermediate lists
as buffers for removing empty matches. This is just a hunch.

I would be nice to override finditer -method to do cleaning of doubles, 
but I have not
browsed thru python module -codes yet. Maybe this weekend.

The ultimate solution would be such, that:
- multiple character word -separators could be given ( notation [^?!]) 
will not work then ) and
- nesting -level is a parameter when building sre -pattern.

Thank you anyways,


Huaiyu Zhu wrote:

>On 10 Jan 2002 06:49:28 -0800, Paul Rubin <phr-n2002a at> wrote:
>>pekka niiranen <krissepu at> writes:
>>>I have a list of equal size tuples, but a tuple may contain empty values:
>>>t = [ ( a,b,c), (d, ,f) (b,a,j) ]
>>>How can I convert it into a single list of unique values:
>>>l = [a,b,c,d,f,j]
>>>No lambdas, please
>>I don't think (d, ,f) is syntactically valid.  Other than that,
>>is something wrong with 
>>  import operator
>>  l = operator.add(*t)
>t = [ ( 'a','b','c'), ('d','f'), ('b','a','j') ]
>import operator
># Use reduce for more than two arguments
>l = list(reduce(operator.add, t))  
># For uniqueness 
>def uniq(l, a):
>   if [a] != l[-1:]: l.append(a)
>   return l
>l = reduce(uniq, l, [])

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