NEWBIE: Confussed about Python!

Steve Holden sholden at
Mon Jan 14 11:17:43 EST 2002

"Max Adams" <RubberDucky703 at> wrote in message
news:glD08.46$Tu1.11667 at
> Hello, i'm new to python although not new to programming in general - i
> programmed in C++/Delphi/VB extensively.
> I am looking at python and have been reading some documentation about it
> the web site
> I have a few questions:
> 1)  Can python run on a web server, and does it provide the same
> functionallity ASP and PHP do?
Yes, more and more respectively. Python can run as a simple CGI scripting
language, it can also be installed as a Active Scripting language if you
want to use it in ASP contexts, and it's a full general-purpose scripting
language. With its web-oriented libraries it does everything you can do with
ASP or PHP (and, as I said, more).

> 2)  I assume that when code is compiled by the interpreter it compiles to
> "a.out" executable under linux and a "program1.exe" under windows - the
> filenames are not important what i am trying to assertane is, is code
> compiled to a executable file format, or does more need to be done with
Nope. By default *libraries* that are imported are converted into *.pyc
files, which are coimpiled bytecodes. The interpreter has not facility to
generate machine code.

Various solutions arepossible to allow you to distribute Python programs:
the two best-known are py2exe and Gordon McMillan's installer. Both allow
you to build easy-to-install distributions of Python programs [the problem
they overcome is making sure that the target system contains all necessary
bits of the Python language system].

> 3)  How can python be linked to databases such as Ms Access and MySQL?
Various driver modules are available conforming to the Python DB API
(currently at version 2.0). Generally there is at least one module for each
of the better-known databases.

There are also DBA-compliant ODBC modules for those database without native

Finally, on Windows platforms you can load the win32all extensions and use
ADO to access databases with the necessary drivers.

> 4)  What is python commonly used for?
Just about everything, from complex object-oriented web frameworks to
scientific computing, stopping at all stations en route!

> I really appreciate your input on this.
> Sorry if these are elementary questions - hey we all have to start
> somewhere!
Well, would be your best starting-point. Lots of useful links
from there. Welcome to Python!


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