Autocoding evolves from........

Timothy Rue threeseas at
Mon Jan 28 21:42:56 EST 2002

On 28-Jan-02 12:28:00 Courageous <jkraska at> wrote:
>>Start here: We exist (one item)

>There is something fundamentally wrong with your ability to coherently
>present yourself.


There are plenty of people who understand me, so that leave me to believe
the problem is your inability to comprehend. Takes all kinds of people to
make the world go round.

Peoples minds work differently.

Some people think in terms of 2 dimensional language, written, spoken.
Others think in terms of 3 dimensions, they can imagine a 3D object and
even move it around, see all sides, in their mind.

Still some others have what is called a photographic memory and can look
at a book and then read it later without having the book (Oh no! here
comes the DMCA opposing their minds!!! DMCA forbid that we al should be
geneticly engineered to have such talent.)

There are those who are considered geniuses but may lack common sense.
Then there are the few who are autistic, and their intensity and focus
on something unigue to them may be unmatched.

And I'm sure there are many more classes of how people use their minds.
(I just hope you don't get old grouch Mr. Johnson as your teacher)
It's a good thing we have so many different ways of using the mind.

History has shown over and over that such differences when working
together, can achieve, go further than those of like mind working
together (though those working together with like mind might go further
in a specific area, the mix goes further all around.)

So you can always find a weakness in someone and many try to do that with
me. Instead of working together.

But there is this idea or statement or some such concept that "All men are
created equal (that's inclusive of women too)". But how can that be since
we have all shown how different we are?

Well there are some things we are equal about. For starters, we all use
the nine actions identified as the commands of the VIC.

In other words, it's not an exclusive action set that only a certain
mindset class of people can understand and use. Virtual Interaction
Configuration means to enable interaction with virtually everyone and
their way of thinking. We can just get alot further that way.

If you find fault in my communication, but still understand what I was
saying, then say it again the way you would. Worse thing that could happen
is that I might realize you didn't understand and then maybe try to
correct your perceptions (the process is called a feedback loop and is
used even in electronic in many ways, from audio curcuits to self
correcting missle guidance systems). At best, maybe someone else will more
clearly understand what I'm saying, thru your words.

The choice is simple, together or apart. Where, how far, do you want to
go today?

I never was real good at grammer and spelling, but instead I've tried to
make the best of my falling short of proper english, and many have found
that I've been able to do that to some extent. But it doesn't mean I'm not
worth a shit. It also doesn't mean I should be abused for someone else
entertainment or profit. How far do you want to go today?


*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
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