Python + windows

Peter Hansen peter at
Sat Jan 19 13:58:42 EST 2002

"R.Marquez" wrote:
> I have often wondered why is it that the Windows installer doesn't
> just add Python to the PATH to begin with.  Does any one know why?

I don't know why, but I'm glad it doesn't.  (Or if it did, it
should definitely ask first.)

I don't put almost anything in my DOS PATH, because of the extremely
limited length of it.  Instead I create batch files in a directory
that *is* in my path (c:\bin or c:\batch) and have those batch
files point to the real executable.  This approach has several
advantages including the ability to maintain multiple versions
of Python simultaneously on the drive (the batch file can change
PYTHONPATH or PYTHONHOME as it runs, for example).

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