Debug python CGI

Steven Feil sfeil at
Sat Jan 26 14:52:47 EST 2002

Cool, it works! Thanks!
however is a UNIX newbie finds this in a Google search he should use

echo -n 'x=y&z=t' | REQUEST_METHOD=POST python

instead of 

echo 'x=y&z=t' | REQUEST_METHOD=POST python

with out the -n a newline gets appended to the string which gets
appended to the variable z.

 Steven Feil               | Gram-pa, back at the turn of the      .~.  
 Programmer/Developer      | century, why did people use an        /V\  
 sfeil at              | operating system, when they were not // \\ 
                           | allowed to see the source code?      (X_X) 

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