Defending the Python lanuage...

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Wed Jan 30 03:55:09 EST 2002

Rony <rony.steelandt at> graced us by uttering:
[ snip ]
> imaging that with version Python 3000 (:)the "community" has decided
> that the Tkinter library won't be supported any more.. I can assure
> you that this would be a very expensive decission for us, our whole
> GUI library is based on that now. And isn't this a risk with many open
> source projects ?

Actually, wxPython might be a solution worth considering. Yes, it would
require changing, but it's an interface that can overlay several
different GUI libraries (GTK, Motif, MSWin) and has interfaces written
in several different languages (C++, Perl, Python) with more coming, and
runs on several different platforms (Linux, Win32, Mac, Solaris, etc).

Basically, something like Perl's DBI module collection: many databases,
one interface; you needn't change access methods when changing dbs.

Tim Hammerquist
Tegan's always being posessed! She just wants attention.
    -- Adric, Doctor Who

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