Autocoding >Re: "Introduction to Ethics",

Timothy Rue threeseas at
Mon Jan 28 11:06:34 EST 2002

On 28-Jan-02 00:44:47 Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote:
>Timothy Rue wrote:
>> The first command, AI, starts up the VIC shell and give that instance of
>> The second command, PK, keeps information about all the commands, such as
>> The third command, OI, allows you to get information into variables and
>> The fourth command, IP, represents where input is gotten from. This is
>> The fifth command, OP, is similar to IP but is the set for where ouptut
>> The sixth command, SF, controls how it process sequential lines in files.
>> The seventh command, IQ, is a multi-depth search engine that sends
>> The eigth command, ID, goes thru a list of user definable test. Upon
>> The Ninth command, KE, keeps user definable information that helps

>Hee hee...  you just made all that up on the spot, didn't you?

>I've implemented an improved shell, which I call NYKEE, which I believe
>is an improvement over VIC, based on a single command that is
>"in everything we do".  That command is DI (Do It), and you just pass
>it arguments describing what you want done.  It's that easy!  I
>can even give examples:

> DI var = open('filename')
> DI lines = var.readlines()
> DI print len(lines)

>That's all there is to it!  Why waste your time implementing VIC,
>when my shell is already complete!  I even made it backwards
>compatible with a common programming language, so it would be
>easy for programmers to use too.  Just strip the DI command
>off the front of each line and paste the raw parameters into
>a file with extension .py.  Then type "python filename" and
>the program will run, even outside of my framework!

>Thank you, thank you.  (bowing)....


Good example of simple input->output

Where the senergy effect?

Or, to bad that't not all there is to do in real life.

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @  ^<--------<----9----<--------<

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