Simple Newbie Question: What am I doing wrong?

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Thu Jan 24 14:44:22 EST 2002

"MDK" <mdk at> wrote:

>I have a file named containing the following:
>def yo():
>    print "Bla"
>In the interactive window I type:
>>>> import mytest
>>>> mytest.yo
>But I get back
><function yo at 0x00985378>
>Why don't I get back "Bla"?
>Neither does it work if I do:
>   return "Bla"
>Why not?
>Thank you for your help.

See if I can get in first with the answer.

You're not calling the function unless you put () on the end.

So you need:


Otherwise you're just referencing the function. This is comon in a few
languages I can think of.

Why would you want to reference the function?


func = mytest.yo

Would also execute your function. Passing functions around is quite
handy sometimes.

Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems Ltd

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