reason/history of self

rihad rihad at
Wed Jan 16 12:12:42 EST 2002

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:55:05 +0100, gabor farkas <xlat at>

>i'm sure this was discussed before, but i cant find it..
It's in the faq :)

>why do i have to write self as the first parameter of a method in the 
I've just read the faq entry 
6.7. Why must 'self' be declared and used explicitly in method
definitions and calls?

And, quite frankly, have to agree with GvR in that `C++ does this
through declarations, but Python doesn't have declarations and it
would be a pity having to introduce them just for this purpose.' 

(read the whole thing)

Indeed, PHP, for example, also uses the `this->field_name' notion
except that `this' is predefined theret. Anyway, I don't see much
trouble in explicitly referring to instance, it just takes some time
getting used to.

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