webget install ?

Nigel Hewett nigel.hewett at kuhuna.com
Sat Jan 5 19:03:46 EST 2002

      Can anyone assist with the webget python script install on a linux box


      Webget depends on Python.  It can be obtained from
<URI:http://www.python.org/>.  This README assumes Python is installed and
working on your system.

              "Python is installed /usr/bin/python"

      * Place the file backend.py at a place where it can be called by the
system's cron.

              "Not sure where to place this file?"

      * Place the file frontend.py in a directory where it can be accessed
remotely as a CGI-script.

              "frontend.py edited to point to /usr/bin/python and extension
changed to cgi chmod to 0755 and permission as admin placed in

      * Place the file core.py at a place where it can be read by the uid(s)
who will run backend.py and frontend.py

              "again where should this be placed"

      * Configure your webserver to see frontend.py as a CGI-script (with
Apache you would place ``AddHandler cgi-script py'' in your .htaccess)

              "This is not required as I named em cgi? I hope"

      * Setup your system's cron to run backend.py at a regular interval

              "again another blank look on my face"

      * Change the globals in the top of backend.py and frontend.py, and pay
special attention to the value passed to sys.path.append() (this value
should be the directory where core.py is).

      * Both backend.py and the frontend.py will try to create webget.db if
it doesn't exist.  Make sure they are able to do that.

      NOTE: Webget does not have any form of password authentication.  If
you wish to shield Webget, use your webserver's authentication services.

      Suggested setup:

      * Create a user (i.e. webget)
      * Put all files (e.g. *.py, webget.db, ...) in some subdir of the
homedir of that user (i.e. /home/webget/public_html/).

      * Login as that user and use ``crontab -e'' to edit that user's
      * Use Apache's suEXEC (or similar) to make it run frontend.py as that

      Thanks in advance


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