Python is just as good as C++ for real apps

Grant Edwards grante at
Sat Jan 26 20:26:53 EST 2002

In article <o9265u0j91ahhmv4docbjjucou3dicka3d at>, Courageous wrote:

> Yes, and all I was really trying to do was point out that
> I view this as apologism.

Quite so.  But since my abilities to change the language are
rather limited, there aren't many options other than trying to

> My position is that this is a
> wart of the language; hence, any jaundiced representation
> to help oneself cope with it is apologism per se. Now that
> you say it, however, I can see the utility in your perspective.
> I do things differently, myself. I declare things this way:
> int* p1;
> int* p2;

Actually I generally do that also -- I find it makes
later modifications to the code much easier.

My favorite method of coping with C's warts is to use Python. :)
But, sometimes I do have to use C (device drivers and real-time
embedded stuff).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  On the road, ZIPPY
                                  at               is a pinhead without a
                                 purpose, but never without
                                                   a POINT.

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