Rue the day...

phil hunt philh at
Tue Jan 29 19:17:05 EST 2002

On 29 Jan 2002 08:51:54 -0800, Rony <rony.steelandt at> wrote:
>"Chris Gonnerman" <chris.gonnerman at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1012274265.29834.python-list at>...
>> Guys, I know we have the reputation as the nicest bunch of nerds on
>> the 'Net, but Rue is consuming more of our time and bandwidth than spam.
>> Despite his comments to the contrary, no one on this list gives him
>> any credence.
>Yes it's true that there is a nice bunch here. BUT what keeps me
>amazing here, is  :
>1. How you keep defending the Python language over and over again.
>Don't understand me wrong, Python is a VERY good language and we are
>using it for years now, like a lot of you. But each time some guy asks
>here a question like 'Should i use Python of Perl' or 'Python or C for
>a real world application' evrybody here starts here to defend Python.
>IMHO this is useless, since allready the question is stupid...

Indeed so, even *considering* Perl instead of Python is stupid.

C might not be, if you're writing a compiler or an OS, or if
perfromance is your top priority.

>2. How you keep answerring the same questions over and over again.
>Style 'WIch IDE to use to develop with python' or worse 'Does python
>have a compiler'.

It has several. CPython and Jython being the main ones. 

===== Philip Hunt ===== philh at =====
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