Serious privacy leak in Python for Windows

Jason Orendorff jason at
Wed Jan 16 18:07:00 EST 2002

> The ActiveScripting engine in Python, when used by IE, uses the "rexec" 
> module to restrict what the code can do - Python's closest thing to a 
> "sandbox".
> This rexec module does prevent file writes etc, but allows file reads -
> it uses a "safety" model rather than a "privacy" model.

Sure, by default.  But it's easy to lock it down further.

class HardRExec(rexec.RExec):
    ok_path = ()
    ok_builtin_modules = ()  # probably too harsh
    ok_posix_names = ()
    ok_sys_names = ()

    def r_open(self, file, mode='r', buf=-1):
        raise IOError, "Can't open files in restricted mode."

Each of these statements (except the first) now fails:

hrx = HardRExec()
hrx.r_exec("f = open('/etc/passwd', 'r')")
hrx.r_exec("import __builtin__;'/etc/passwd')")
hrx.r_exec("import os")
hrx.r_exec("import array")

It shouldn't be too hard to find the right policy.

## Jason Orendorff

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