What is the number of the PEP for adding indention to Python?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jan 4 10:27:37 EST 2002

    Alex> This is far from an unusual phenomenon.  In Renaissance times, the
    Alex> idea that different people have different skills was not
    Alex> mainstream, the theory being that an Architect would be just as
    Alex> good at talking about his designs, as at designing them and
    Alex> supervising the building process.  That's the theory.  Some
    Alex> specific architects may have almost approached it (Alberti,
    Alex> Palladio).  But some of the most outstanding practitioners, even
    Alex> then, were DOERS, *NOT* talkers: for example, Biagio Rossetti's
    Alex> _writings_ about what he was doing, and why, are feeble and
    Alex> fortunately almost non-existent.  He clearly knew what he was
    Alex> doing, but the way he "talked" about it was in brick and stone,
    Alex> not pen and paper....

My late father-in-law, Ray Pigozzi, was an extremely talented architect (he
was made a fellow of the AIA in the late 70's or early 80's), and although
he was by all accounts an excellent mentor to younger architects in the firm
he cofounded, he also had the well-deserved reputation of being quite
laconic (this I know from personal experience ;-).  Early in his career, he
received an award from some masonry organization for his use of brick in
building OWP (now OWP&P) had designed.  This necessitated the usual awards
ceremony with dinner and speeches.  The recipients who preceeded Ray to the
podium all spoke at length about their work.  Ray's entire acceptance speech
was, "The building speaks for itself."


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