os.popen3 unsave/limited?

Johannes Eble skywalkerpackage at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 22 06:01:46 EST 2002

Hello Timo,

thanks very much for your answer. If have tried using popen4 and it
seems to work now. Now I just have the problem that I can't capture

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 06:36:27 GMT, "Timo Linna"
<timo.SPAM.linna at iki.ME.fi.NOT.invalid> wrote:


>I was using GCC. os.popen3 worked fine until something was printed to the

Yes, I have the same problem with popen3.  As long as I wrote just to
stdout there was no trouble with popen3. I have also observed that,
while PythonWin is not responding anymore (after it crashed), I get
one symbol more of PythonWin in the Windows icon bar. Maybe this has
something to do with the problem.



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